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AILA - Associazione Italiana di Logica e sue Applicazioni

Notizie e avvisi

AILA statement on the trials held in Turkey against the signatories of the Academics for Peace Petition

The Italian Association of Logic and its Applications is deeply worried by the dire violations of academic freedom and freedom of speech reached in Turkey. We look with grave concern to the criminal and disciplinary investigations that are being maintained against the signatories to the January 11 Academics for Peace Petition. We express solidarity and support to all our colleagues in Turkey.

Federazione Italiana di Matematica Applicata

Il 27 ottobre 2018 l'AILA è entrata a far parte della Federazione Italiana di Matematica Applicata.
A questo link è scaricabile lo Statuto della Federazione.
A questo link è scaricabile l'e-proceeding del workshop della FIMA.


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Last modified: December 14, 2017 9:05:00 AM UTC.