Driven by the increasing demands in Mathematics, Philosophy and Computer Science, the last two decades witnessed a growing interest in non-classical and many-valued logics. Until not too many years ago, many-valued logics were nearly a curiosity. The situation has now changed and the weaponry of tools in use to current researchers has acquired solid foundations and a respectable amount of applications to other fields. Many important results have enlighten deep connections with other fields of Mathematics such as ordered algebraic structures, combinatorial counterparts of toric geometry, feedback coding theory. Many-valued logics are recognized as the main tool to reason formally in presence of vagueness. Nevertheless new breakthroughs open new challenges, and the knowledge acquired so far empowers the study of more complex phenomena.
The aim of this project is to put together some prominent European and Latin-American researchers in many-valued logic in a coordinated effort towards the delivery of a uniform formal system in which “uncertain” and “vague” aspects, which pervade phenomena in the real world, can be treated together in an integrated manner. This is desirable both from the Mathematical and the application point of view as many concrete systems (e.g., medical expert systems) deal with both phenomena and currently not in a completely satisfactory way.
This joint enterprise hingesĀ onĀ the pre-existing longstanding collaborations among the researchers involved in the project. Accordingly, beside the joint scientific achievements, we aim at the creation of Latin-American and European Consortium on vague and uncertain reasoning, whose aim will be to draw into focus the manifold strengths of Mathematical Logic in vagueness and uncertainty, by supporting and promoting activities such as: international conferences and workshops; multi-disciplinary research collaborations; short and long-term exchanges.