The first school of the SYSMICS project was organized jointly by the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences and by the Faculty of Science of the Palacky University in Olomouc as the summer school associated to the 8th biennial conference Topology, Algebra, and Categories in Logic – TACL 2017 (Prague, 26-30 June 2017). The school itself took place in Olomouc, in the main building of the Faculty of Science, from Tuesday 20 June to Saturday 24 June 2017.
There were 53 participants, including the lecturers. The programme consisted of the following tutorials on topology, algebra, categories, and logic:
1) Steve Vickers (University of Birmingham):
Coming together to make Grothendieck’s generalized topology.
2) Martin Goldstern (Vienna University of Technology):
3) Jiri Velebil (Czech Technical University in Prague):
Beck’s monadicity theorem: A categorical approach to universal algebra.
4) Tommaso Moraschini (Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences):
An introduction to abstract algebraic logic.
Each tutorial had four 90 minute lectures divided into two days. Besides, a special lecture was delivered by Pavel Pudlak (Mathematical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences), titles “Proof complexity and games”.
All the lectures are available online.
The members of the Organizing Committee were Radomir Halas (chair), Martin Brousek, Petr Cintula, Jan Kuhr, Ondrej Majer, Igor Sedlar, and Amanda Vidal. The local organizers were Radomir Halas (chair), Martin Brousek, and Jan Kuhr.
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