The second SYSMICS school was organized by the Logic Group of the Mathematical Institute of the University of Bern at Hotel Les Sources in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 22-26 August 2018.
The school preceded two conferences relevant to the SYSMICS project, taking place in Bern 27{31 August 2018,
namely Advances in Modal Logic 2018 (http://www.aiml2018.unibe.ch/) and Logic, Algebra and Truth
Degrees 2018 (http://www.latd2018.unibe.ch/).
The Programme Committee for the school consisted of Nick Bezhanishvili (University of Amsterdam, co-chair), Agata Ciabattoni (Vienna University of Technology), Denisa Diaconescu (University of Bucharest), George Metcalfe (University of Bern, co-chair), and Luca Spada (University of Salerno).
There were 27 participants at the school, including 6 invited speakers. SYSMICS funds were used to
cover travel expenses and full board accommodation for the invited speakers, coffee breaks, and full board
accommodation for a further 9 participants.
The programme consisted of three four hour tutorials
1) Peter Jipsen (Chapman University)
Residuated Frames for Substructural Logics
2) David Pym (University College London)
Logic as a Modelling Technology: Separation and its Uses
3) Alexandra Silva (University College London)
Kleene Algebra With Tests and Applications to Network Programming;
and three one hour evening lectures
1) Johan van Benthem (University of Amsterdam)
Logic in Games
2) Laura Kovacs (Vienna University of Technology)
First-Order Interpolation in the Grey Area of Proofs
3) Fred Wehrung (University of Caen)
Spectrum Problems for Structures Arising from Lattices and Rings.
Further details and course materials are available on the school website:
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