Seminario Prof. Giuseppe Sergioli

Prof. Giuseppe Sergioli (University of Cagliari) will give a seminar on Wednesday 11 December 2024 at 11:00 in Sala Riunioni, DipMat. Title: Multi-class classification based on quantum state discrimination (Joint work with Prof. Roberto Giuntini). Abstract: We present a general framework for the problem of multi-class classification using classification functions that can be Read more…

Prof.ssa Giulianella Coletti visiting DipMat

Prof. Giulianella Coletti (Università di Perugia) will visit out department and give two seminars. 1) “Dalla probabilità alle misure di incertezza non additive, tramite processi inferenziali“Tuesday 18th October at 15:30 in “Sala Riunioni”. 2) “Il linguaggio della probabilità“Wednesday 19th October at 15:30 in “Sala Riunioni”.

Seminar by Prof. Hykel Hosni

Prof. Hykel Hosni from University of Milan will give a seminar on Thursday 25th of January 2018 starting form 15:00, in the Sala Riunioni of the Department of Mathematics. Title: Alcuni problemi logici in economia matematica. Abstract: Il seminario illustra alcuni esempi di problemi centrali nella ricerca microeconomica e che allo stesso tempo  contengono aspetti Read more…