In this paper, coauthored with José Gil-Férez, Constantine Tsinakis, and Hongjun Zhou, we present a systematic study of join-extensions and join-completions of ordered algebras, which naturally leads to a refined and simplified treatment of fundamental results and constructions in the theory of ordered structures ranging from properties of the Dedekind-MacNeille completion to the proof of the finite embeddability property for a number of varieties of ordered algebras.
Tags: Dedekind-MacNeille completion, FEP, finite embeddability property, join-completions, join-extensions, ordered algebras, Residuated lattices
This entry was last modified on the 28th August 2017 by Luca Spada. You can leave a comment, or trackback from your own site.
adjunction Algebraic geometry Amsterdam Birkhoff subdirect representation Bratteli-Elliott Isomorphism Criterion Calculus categorical duality categoricalequivalence Category Chang’s completeness theorem compact Hausdorff spaces conference Corso Course Courses Covering space directed colimit duality European project Filtered colimit finitely generated object finitely presentable object First Order Many-Valued Logic Free algebra Fundamental group Galois connection Gel'fand transform Hilbert Nullstellensatz ILLC Lifts Many-Valued Logic Mathematical Logic MV-algebras News piecewise linear maps Pontryagin duality Projective MV-algebra rational polyhedra Residuated lattices Retractions Stone duality Teaching Tychonoff cube Unification Universal cover variety of algebras. Z-maps Łukasiewicz logic