Matematica Discreta e Logica Matematica (Informatica)

This year I will give a series of introductory lectures on Mathematical Logic for the course “Matematica Discreta e Logica Matematica” at the B.Sc. in Computer Science.  I will try to write down some lecture notes, but in the meanwhile students may find helpful to consult some references.  Probably any book on mathematical logic contains the topics I am about to discuss, yet here there are some suggestions aimed at Italian speakers without a strong background in mathematics.

  1. Giangiacomo Gerla Linguaggio e verità. 2011. 274 pages (also available in reduced form, for free, here)
  2. Andrea Asperti, Agata Ciabattoni Logica a informatica. McGraw-Hill. 1997. 204 pages.
  3. Dario Palladino Corso di logica. Introduzione al calcolo dei predicati. Carocci. 2010. 409 pages.



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