Free MV algebras as direct limit
An early announcement of the results contained here, given at Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, 25 September 2008.
Free MV algebras as direct limit
Free $\mu$ŁΠ algebras
A presentation of the functional representation of the free μŁΠ algebras, this result, together with this and some more were collected in this paper. Given at Topological and Algebraic Methods in Non Classical Logics -TANCL- III, Oxford, 6-9 August 2007.
Costruzioni universali nella varietà $\mu$Ł$\Pi$
An early announcement -in Italian- of some results contained here, given at the XVIII Congresso UMI. Bari 24-29 September 2007.
Costruzioni universali nella varietà $\mu$Ł$\Pi$
Forcing in Łukasiewicz logic
A presentation of this work on Forcing in Łukasiewicz logic given at the $3^{rd}$ MATHLOGAPS Workshop in Aussois (France), $24^{th} − 30^{th} June 2007.