Course on Capita Selecta in Modal Logic
Starting from the 29th of October I will start teaching a course with Yde Venema at the University of Amsterdam on Algebra and Coalgebra. The webpage of the course can be found here.
ADAMS project will start soon (1st of August 2013 — 31th July 2015)
Starting from the 1st of August 2013, I will be on leave from the University of Salerno. For two years form this date, I will be affiliated at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation of the University van Amsterdam.
This opportunity is funded by a Marie Curie scholarship awarded to the research project “ADAMS” (A Dual Approach to Many-valued Semantics).
IRSES secondments in South America
I will be abroad from the 23 of March until the 22 of May. This is another secondment within the MaToMUVI project I coordinate. I will be in Rio, for the conference on Universal Logic. Then in Buenos Aires at CONICET and finally in Salvador at the Institute of Mathematics of the UFBA.
PRIN project “Logical Methods of Information Management”
We are happy to announce that our PRIN project “Logical Methods of Information Management” has been funded. The project involves 10 Universities in Italy and about 100 researchers.
Here the official webpage.
Matematica Discreta e Logica Matematica (Informatica)
This year I will give a series of introductory lectures on Mathematical Logic for the course “Matematica Discreta e Logica Matematica” at the B.Sc. in Computer Science. I will try to write down some lecture notes, but in the meanwhile students may find helpful to consult some references. Probably any book on mathematical logic contains the topics I am about to discuss, yet here there are some suggestions aimed at Italian speakers without a strong background in mathematics.
- Giangiacomo Gerla Linguaggio e verità. 2011. 274 pages (also available in reduced form, for free, here)
- Andrea Asperti, Agata Ciabattoni Logica a informatica. McGraw-Hill. 1997. 204 pages.
- Dario Palladino Corso di logica. Introduzione al calcolo dei predicati. Carocci. 2010. 409 pages.