LPq algebras and Quasifields

A poster presented at Computer Science Logic and 8th Kurt Gödel Colloquium, Vienna, Austria $25^{th} – 30^{th}$ August 2003.  I introduce a class of commutative $f$-rings with strong unit and with a sort of weak divisibility property, called $f$-quasifields, and show that the categories of L$\Pi_q$-algebras and of $f$-quasifields are equivalent.

Poster Goedel


Dualities for MV-algebras

This is a talk presenting dome results on geometrical dualities for MV-algebras. The article is dedicated to the memory of Leo Esakia.  The talk was delivered at the Studia Logica conference Ordered Groups and Lattices in Algebraic Logic, Tbilisi, Georgia. $22^{d}$ September, 2011.

A very similar talk was selected as featured talk at the XIX Congess of Italian Mathematicians, Bologna 12-17 September 2011.


Dualities for MV-algebras

The unification type of Łukasiewicz logic is nullary

This is the most updated version of a talk presenting the result contained here. The talk was given in plenary session at Topology, Algebra, and Category in Logic -TACL- V, Marseille, 28$^{th}$ July. 2011

The unification type of Łukasiewicz logic is nullary

Omitting type theorems for Łukasiewicz Logic

This is an account of some -still unpublished- natural continuation of the ideas contained here. It was delivered at the conference ManyVal10, in Varese, 3d May 2010.

Omitting type theorems for Łukasiewicz Logic

The prime spectrum of MV-algebras

This is a tentative to recast what is known about the prime spectrum of an MV-algebra, together with some new result that seems to point to a new direction of investigation.  It was an invited seminar at the workshop Topological Methods is Logic II. Tbilisi, 8th–10th June 2010.

The prime spectrum of MV-algebras

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