Canonical formulas for k-potent residuated lattices

Here are the slides of my presentation at Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2014 (LATD 2014), 16-19 July 2014, Vienna, Austria. The conference was part of the wonderful Vienna Summer of Logic.

Canonical formulas

Dualities and geometry

Finally I wrote some slides about the long-waiting article I am writing together with Olivia Caramello and Vincenzo Marra on adjunctions, dualities, and Nullstellensätze .  These slides where presented at the AILA meeting in Pisa and at the Apllied Logic seminar in Delft.

Dualities and geometry

Geometrical dualities for Łukasiewicz logic

This is the transcript of a featured talk given on the 15th of September 2011 at the XIX Congeresso dell’Unione Matematica Italiana held in Bologna, Italy.  It is based on a joint work with Vincenzo Marra of the University of Milan that was published in Vincenzo Marra and Luca Spada. The dual adjunction between MV-algebras and Tychonoff spacesStudia Logica 100(1-2):253-278, 2012. Special issue of Studia Logica in memoriam Leo Esakia (L. Beklemishev, G. Bezhanishvili, D. Mundici and Y. Venema Editors).  

The article develops a general dual adjunction between MV-algebras (the algebraic equivalents of Łukasiewicz logic) and subspaces of Tychonoff cubes, endowed with the transformations that are definable in the language of MV-algebras. Such a dual adjunction restricts to a duality between semisimple MV-algebras and closed subspaces of Tychonoff cubes. Further the duality theorem for finitely presented objects is obtained from the general adjunction by a further specialisation. The treatment is aimed at emphasising the generality of the framework considered here in the prototypical case of MV-algebras.

Geometrical dualities for Łukasiewicz logic

Two isomorphism criteria for directed colimits

Using the general notions of finitely presentable and finitely generated object introduced by Gabriel and Ulmer in 1971, we prove that, in any (locally small) category, two sequences of finitely presentable objects and morphisms (or two sequences of finitely generated objects and monomorphisms) have isomorphic colimits (=direct limits) if, and only if, they are confluent. The latter means  that the two given sequences  can be connected by a back-and-forth chain of morphisms that is cofinal on each side, and commutes with the sequences at each finite stage. In several concrete situations,  analogous isomorphism criteria are typically obtained by ad hoc arguments.  The abstract results given here can  play the useful  rôle of discerning  the general from the specific in situations of actual interest. We illustrate by applying them to varieties  of algebras, on the one hand, and to dimension groups—the ordered $K_{0}$ of approximately finite-dimensional  C*-algebras—on the other. The first application encompasses such classical examples as Kurosh’s isomorphism criterion for countable torsion-free Abelian groups of finite rank. The second application yields the Bratteli-Elliott  Isomorphism Criterion for dimension groups. Finally, we  discuss  Bratteli’s original isomorphism criterion for approximately finite-dimensional C*-algebras, and show that his result does not follow from ours.

Two isomorphism criteria for directed colimits

Algebra|Coalgebra seminar

Starting from October 2013 I am organising the Algebra|Coalgebra seminar at the ILLC.  The webpage of the seminar are here.  See you there!

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