
The conference will be held online using zoom. During the coffee breaks, we will meet via Gather.

All times are Central European Summer Time (CEST), UTC+02:00

Wednesday, July 7th

15:50 Opening

Chair: Luca Spada
16:00 Marco Abbadini - Unit intervals of unital commutative distributive -monoids slides
16:50 Sara Ugolini - Projectivity in residuated lattices via categorical methods

17:40 Coffee break

Chair: Francesco Paoli
18:20 Marta Bilkova - Two-dimensional logics for (comparative) uncertainty slides
19:10 Silvio Ghilardi - Combination of Uniform Interpolants via Beth Definability slides

Thursday, July 8th

Chair: Sara Lapenta
16:00 Luca Carai - Connecting dualities for compact Hausdorff spaces slides
16:50 Pat Morandi - A point-free approach to canonical extensions of boolean algebras and bounded archimedean lattice-ordered algebras slides

17:40 Coffee break

Chair: Vincenzo Marra
18:20 Dirk Hofmann - Algebraic properties of enriched Priestley spaces slides
19:10 Luca Reggio - A categorical view on logical resources slides

Friday, July 9th

Chair: Michele Pra Baldi
16:00 John Harding - Canonical extensions and free completely distributive lattices slides
16:50 Ilya Shapirovsky - Applications of filtrations: PDLization and local finiteness slides

17:40 Break

Chair: Gavin St. John
18:10 David Gabelaia - Polyhedral semantics for modal logic slides
19:00 Nick Bezhanishvili - Blok-Esakia theorems via stable formulas and rules

19:50 Dinner break

Chair: Guram Bezhanishvili
20:50 Tommaso Moraschini - On equational completeness theorems slides